[Téléchargement Gratuit] 65 Syringa Katherine Havemeyer Pflege
Mature growth is around 10 12 tall and wide. Katherine havemeyer lilac syringa vulgaris katherine havemeyer will fulfill all of your lilac dreams and then some.
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This beautiful french hybrid covers itself in abundant clusters of double lavender pink fragrant flowers on dark green disease resistant foliage. Antworten zu den am häufigsten gestellten fragen erhalten sie auf unserer faq seite. This lilac shrub is lightly scented. The katherine havemeyer lilac has large double flowers with rose colored buds opening to a lavender pink flushed with mauve.Katherine havemeyer katharine havemeier rosa lila violett groß strauch hochstamm stämmchen fliederbaum klassiker duftflieder. Mehr infos über aufzucht und pflege von fliederpflanzen finden sie auf unserer infoseite flieder pflege. Browse pictures and read growth cultivation information about syringa common lilac french lilac syringa vulgaris katherine havemeyer supplied by member gardeners in the plantfiles database. Blooming in late spring the abundant blossoms last 3 4 weeks and make a wonderful display of lavender purple and pink.
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