[Téléchargement Gratuit] 95 Red Twig Dogwood Cornus Sericea
Cornus sericea cardinal sku 31034 a beautiful adaptable and hardy shrub offering four seasons of interest. Cornus sericea commonly known as red twig dogwood or red osier dogwood is an upright spreading suckering shrub that typically grows in the absence of pruning to 6 9 tall with a slightly larger spread.
The British Gardener The Tropical Years Damn Good Plants Red
ensemble Red twig dogwood cornus sericea gratuit
Red twig dogwood variety with a yellow twig dogwood cornus sericea flaviramea in the background. Spreading by suckers to form thickets cornus sericea is an excellent shrub for screening and very moisture tolerant. Red twig dogwood known both as c. Stolonifera our native red osier or red twig dogwood is one of our most beautiful shrubs and is ideal for the wetter parts of your garden.Cornus sericea is synonymous with cornus stolonifera. Red leaves provide autumn color and the show continues through winter when the dramatic red stems are a striking point of interest. Cornus sericea cardinal redtwig dogwood noted for its outstanding bright red winter stems cornus sericea cardinal redtwig dogwood is a multi stemmed suckering deciduous shrub of great ornamental value in the winter landscape. Vibrant red twigs are stunning in the winter garden.
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