Physocarpus Opulifolius Lady In Red Tuilad Pbr
Krzew dorastający do ok. Lady in red grows 1 meter high.
Viburnum Opulus Compactum Compact Guelder Rose
télécharger Physocarpus opulifolius lady in red tuilad pbr gratuit
Can tolerate a wide variety of soil conditions. When plants reach maturity the bark peels away in layers. Na rozdíl od podobné odrůdy diabolo její listy nesou svěžejší odstín červeno vínové barvy a liší se i tvarem neboť roste již od mládí velmi hustě a spíše rozkladitě bez dlouhých prutů se sytě vínovými listy po celou sezónu. A brand new physocarpus.It can grow up to 1 5 m in height and as width. The bright spring foliage mellows to a warm red hue which lasts to autumn when the leaves on this deciduous shrub fall. Liście pofałdowane trójklapowe czerwone. Physocarpus lady in red is grown for its bright red serrated foliage which makes the perfect foil for colourful flowers both in the garden and the vase.
Viburnum Opulus Compactum Compact Guelder Rose
Viburnum Opulus Compactum Compact Guelder Rose
Viburnum Opulus Compactum Compact Guelder Rose
Viburnum Opulus Compactum Compact Guelder Rose
Viburnum Opulus Compactum Compact Guelder Rose
Viburnum Opulus Compactum Compact Guelder Rose
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