[Liste] 99 Evergreen Shrubs For Garden Uk
Shrubs are an essential component in every garden whether evergreen or deciduous providing an ever changing framework and the backdrop against which everything else is seen. Evergreen shrubs however allow you to add colour and interest to your garden that will be consistent and almost permanent.
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While an evergreen shrub appears to retain its leaves all year long they do in fact have a turnover of leaves but the process is gradual and hardly noticed. Small evergreen shrub that won t hog the garden. Great winter flowering evergreens include mahonia flowers november to february. They provide structure all year interest and being very easy to look after are labour saving.Evergreen shrubs provide colour and foliage all year round. There are so many evergreen flowering shrubs to brighten up the garden or container that we have decided to aim out list at those evergreen shrubs that flower for long periods. Colors range from deep green to gold. Slow growing so it won t take over your garden this hardy pine works beautifully in rock gardens mass plantings and mixed with other broadleaf plants.
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